
Capital Raising

Our firm will deliver series that are tailored to your organisation’s specific fund raising needs. We develop and execute highly successful fund raising plans which include board development, capital campaigns, endowment, feasibility studies, grant writing, and much more.

- Private Placements
- High Yield Debt
- IPOs
- Investment Grade Debt
- Secondary Common Stock Offerings

Mergers & Acquisitions

We execute buyouts and recapitalisations of privately-held companies.Our goal is to design flexible capital structures and make equity incentives available to talented management teams.

- Fairness Opinions
- Seller Advisory
- Buyer Advisory
- Shareholder Rights Plans
- Hostile Defence Advisory
- Debt Purchase Advisory
- Debt Purchase Agency


CJ Morgan has compiled comprehensive research based on sectors within the physical security industry that have the greatest growth potential and market impact.

- Equity Research
- Debt Research
- Investment Grade Debt Research

Corporate Restructuring

- Bankruptcy Advisory
- Bond Holder Advisory
- Debt Restructuring Advisory
- Rehabilitation Advisory